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The Energy Globe Award

We are honored to annonce that the HyBalance project was among the 4 finalists in the 21st Energy Globe World Award, category Fire – being rated as one of the best from about 2500 submissions.

The Energy Globe Award honors the best projects addressing environmental issues since 20 years.

European Commission

EU Commission unveils hydrogen strategy

Hydrogen will play a key role in the EU’s green transition and in the EU’s recovery plan in the wake of COVID-19. This is stated in the hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe, which the European Commission launched on 8 July 2020.

In a 24-page document, the Commission sets out how the focus on hydrogen will help EU reach its goal of becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Massive investment must be made in the establishment of electrolysis plants and infrastructure, and framework conditions must be ensured, which supports that development.

Read the strategy here and watch the video introduction (where the HyBalance plant in Hobro also appears) here.


The mayor of Aalborg visited the HyBalance plant

On Thursday, 11 June, the mayor of Aalborg, Thomas Kastrup-Larsen visited the HyBalance site in Hobro together with the mayor of Mariagerfjord, Mogens Jespersen. They were given a tour at the site as well as a presentation about the project which led to an interesting dialogue about collaborations and how we can bring green ideas to life – which the HyBalance project is a great example of.


HyBalance feautured in German video

”Wasserstoff gilt als der Energieträger der Stunde. In Deutschland aber auch im Vorreiterland Dänemark”.  The HyBalance project has been featured in the German video “Wasserstoffmobilität und Windenergie” produced by ORAB-FILMS. As showcased in the HyBalance project, the video shows how it is possible to produce hydrogen from electrolysis and hereby enable the storage of electricity from renewable energy sources.

See the video here.


Hobro has become the hub for hydrogen technology 

With initiatives like the HyBalance project and the support from both FCH JU and the Danish EUDP program, the vicinity of Hobro in Denmark has become the hub for hydrogen technology.

On April 20, 2020 the Danish TV channel TV2 Nord aired a news story on how the focus on hydrogen and fuel cells in Hobro has created jobs, green growth and a demand for clean energy solutions.

The news story can be viewed (in Danish) here. 


New teaching material on sustainable energy 

Hydrogen Valley, partner in the HyBalance project, has together with a local school in Hobro developed the teaching material “A Science project on Sustainable Energy” for students in the age range 13-16 years.

The material aims to provide inspiration for a science project which focuses on sustainable energy. More specifically it aims to give the students an insight into the usage of hydrogen, and how hydrogen can be a solution for the supply of clean transportation fuel, the integration of fluctuating renewable electricity production and energy supply security.

As part of the lesson plan the students are offered a guided tour at the HyBalance site in Hobro as well as a presentation about the project.

Thus, the HyBalance project is one of several initiatives to help transform energy systems from fossil dependency to relying on renewable energy sources by utilizing the potential of hydrogen.

Download the material:

“A Science Project on Sustainable Energy” (English version)

“Et naturfagsprojekt om bĂŚredygtig energi” (Danish version)

Edwin Keijzer

Visit from the Embassy of the Netherlands in Denmark

On Friday, 31 January Mr. Edwin Keijzer, Deputy Chef de Poste from the Embassy of the Netherlands in Denmark, visited the HyBalance plant in Hobro. Mr. Edwin Keijzer was given a tour at the site as well as a presentation about the HyBalance project.


Visit from the municipality of Randers

On Thursday November 5, Flemming Pedersen, Senior Business Developer from Hydrogen Valley had a meeting with two representatives from the municipality of Randers.

Allis Jakobsen and Jørgen Bondesen had come to Hobro to see the HyBalance site and to discuss potential cooperative possibilities.


Hydrogen is the building block in the future energy system

On November 22, the HyBalance project was featured in the Danish magazine “Energiforum Danmark”. In the article it is elaborated on how hydrogen is the building block which can contribute to the green transition of the energy system and solve the challenges within energy storage.

The article can be read here (in Danish).

Kansai Electric Power_251119

Kansai Electric Power visited the HyBalance site

On Monday November 25, 2019, the Japanese utility company, Kansai Electric Power visited the HyBalance site.

The four representatives from Kansai Electric Power are based in the Paris office, and its main mission is to research European energy situations and to support the company’s international investment projects. They have a huge interest in European renewable energy and how others are working with the storage of renewable energy and had therefore taken the trip to the HyBalance plant in Hobro.

Koji Hasegawa, Director of Paris Office, Takahiko Tanaka, Deputy Chief Operating Officer KPIC Netherlands B.V., Sayuri Shimbara, Assistant Director of Paris Office and Yuka Uno, Researcher were given a guided tour at the HyBalance site by Site Manager from Air Liquide, Rasmus Vejle.


Students inspired to write school projects on HyBalance 

In October, students from a local school in Hobro visited the HyBalance facility as a part of their project week focusing on renewable energy supply.  Following the visit, the students made project assignments on energy, and we are very pleased to see that the visit at the HyBalance site inspired them to write about the role of hydrogen in the energy system.


HyBalance nominated for the Best Project Innovation Award 

HyBalance was nominated for the award within the category Best Project Innovation at the FCHJU review program days which took place in Brussels on November 19-20 . The award went to a another project though: A novel testing device which enables fuel cell manufacturers to scale-up production volumes.


NEDO from Japan visited the HyBalance site 

On Friday November 15, 2019 three representatives from NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization) in Japan visited the HyBalance site.

Dr. Michio Hashimoto, Vice Director from Osaka University, Ms. Maki Hayasaka, Chief Officer, NEDO and
Dr. Miyuki Masuda, Researcher, NEDO were given an introduction to the HyBalance project following a guided tour at the site. The visit also gave rise to exchange of project experience with the focus on renewable energy technologies.

NEDO plays an important role in Japan’s economic and industrial policies being one of the largest public research and development management organizations.
NEDO actively undertakes the development of new energy and energy conservation technologies. It also conducts research to verify technical results. Through these efforts, NEDO promotes greater utilization of new energy and improved energy conservation. NEDO also contributes to a stable energy supply and the resolution of global environmental problems by promoting the demonstration of new energy, energy conservation, and environmental technologies abroad based on knowledge obtained from domestic projects.


Pupils from Rosendalskolen in Mariagerfjord visit the HyBalance site

On Wednesday October 9, 2019 a group of pupils from Rosendalskolen located in Hobro visited the HyBalance site. The pupils were given a tour at the site and a presentation about the project.
The pupils had prepared for the visit through the material for secondary schools which has been developed by HyBalance partner, Hydrogen Valley in correlation with teachers from Rosendalskolen. The material focuses on Power2Gas and the future perspectives within this technology.


Succesful HyBalance workshop with the focus on hydrogen as key enabler of wind power 

What is the status of Hydrogen as a key enabler of wind power? How does the current market and future perspectives look? Which are the challenges? How do we keep the leadership within water electrolysis in Europe? These were among the topics, which were discussed the 8 October at a workshop, arranged by the HyBalance consortium at FCHJU’s premises in Brussels – along with a presentation of the HyBalance project and its results so far. Slides from the presentations will be shared at this website within short time.


Film crew from Hawaii visited the HyBalance site

On September 3, the Hawaii based film crew Green Island Films visited the HyBalance facility in Hobro with the purpose to show how wind generated electricity can be stored and used for transportation. CEO from Hydrogen Valley, Søren Bjerregaard Pedersen, and Site Manager from Air Liquide, Rasmus Vejle, were interviewed for the film.

The film production company is creating three documentaries on climate change in Hawaii by Hawaii News Now. As part of the series, the focus is on wind power and hydrogen for transportation, both of which are present in Hawaii, but only to a small degree. With the visit, the film crew wanted to show how Denmark is leading the world within clean energy initiatives, and how the Danish commitment over the years has paved the way for hydrogen technology as a natural next step in the green transition.

The documentaries will air in summer 2020 and is expected to be watched by 90% of Hawaii’s viewing audience.



“If we want, Denmark can embark on an export adventure”.

On August 22, the HyBalance project was featured in the Danish national newspaper “Børsen”. In the article, CEO from Hydrogen Valley, Søren Bjerregaard Pedersen, elaborates on how hydrogen and methanol produced from renewable wind energy can become the fuel of the future for planes and ships.

The article can be read here in Danish (requires subscription to Børsen).




HyBalance nominated for the EUSEW19 award

The HyBalance project was among the three finalists for the prestigious EU Sustainable Energy Week Award, which was handed out in Brussels on June 18. HyBalance was nominated in the category Innovation, and the awards competition highlighted new ways to shape Europe’s energy future.

Please see the video below which presented the project.

Congrats to “E=0 & TRANSITION ZERO: Create a mass market for net zero energy building retrofitting” for winning the price within Innovation. See their project video here.  



HyBalance presented at the ICE Conference 2019

Flemming Pedersen, Project Manager from Hydrogen Valley, presented a HyBalance poster at the 2nd International Conference on Electrolysis in Loen, Norway on June 10 – 13. Hydrogenics also made an oral presentation of PEM electrolyses development for enhancing renewable energy integration and advancing power-to-X technologies, including a presentation of the HyBalance project.

Lions Club Aars 16-05-19

Lions Club visits the HyBalance site
On May 15, a group of approximately 30 men from Lions Club in Aars, Denmark visited the HyBalance facility. The group was given a presentation about the HyBalance project by Communications Manager from Hydrogen Valley, Marie Louise Arnfast. Following the presentation, the group was given a guided tour by Site Manager from Air Liquide, Rasmus Vejle.

Lions Club is the world’s largest service club organization with more than 46.000 clubs and 1.4 million members distributed throughout the world.

Teknisk Skole 13-5-19

Canadian exchange students visit HyBalance
On May 13, a group of students from Dania Business Academy in Randers visited the HyBalance facility. The group consisted of 13 Canadian exchange students from Humber University in Toronto and 8 Danish energy technology students.

The group was given a presentation about the HyBalance project and a guided tour at the facility.


Korean delegation visits the HyBalance Facility
On April 30, a Korean delegation from the Korea District Heating Corporation (KDHC) visited the HyBalance facility in Hobro. The purpose with the visit to Denmark was for KDHC to find ways to improve their district heating business but also to find potential project collaborations within the renewable energy area in Denmark.

The group had prepared several in-depth questions about the facility, which CEO from Hydrogen Valley Søren Bjerregaard Pedersen, answered in his presentation about the HyBalance project. Following the presentation, the delegation was offered a guided tour at the facility by Site Manager from Air Liquide, Rasmus Vejle.

KDHC was established in 1985 and has about 2,000 employees. KDHC is the biggest district heating provider in South Korea and delivers district heating to 1.5 million households. It’s major business areas are district cooling and heating business, community energy system business, electricity business, and new renewable energy business.


HyBalance feautured in Danish national television 
The interest in the HyBalance project is growing, and on April 23, HyBalance was featured in Danish national television, DR. Click here to see the video.
In the video, CEO Søren Bjerregaard Pedersen, from Hydrogen Valley explains how the facility works and what the perspectives are within the future energy systems.
Along with the video, DR has also published an article about the HyBalance project. You can read the article here (in Danish).

Besoeg_Jørgen Wisborg_OK_090419b

CEO of OK visited the HyBalance site
On March 9, the CEO of the Danish energy company, OK, Jørgen Wisborg visited the HyBalance site. Jørgen Wisborg was given a tour by site manager Rasmus Vejle. Following the tour, professor at Aalborg University, Søren Knudsen KÌr gave a presentation on electrofuels.
OK has engaged in several initiatives with the purpose of introducing alternative fuels on the Danish market and sees hydrogen as an important fuel in the future transport sector.
Jørgen Wisborg says: “At OK we follow closely the technological development within hydrogen and fuel cell for the transport sector, and we are very pleased to be part of this market penetration. We are also proud to be one of the first energy companies in Denmark to offer hydrogen fuel to our customers”.
OK is a partner in the Danish consortium “Danish Hydrogen Fuel”, and the consortium has already erected four hydrogen refuelling stations in Denmark in the cities Korsør, Aarhus, Kolding and Esbjerg. Besides the hydrogen refuelling stations, OK operates a national network of more than 740 gas stations throughout Denmark.


Pupils from local school visits HyBalance 
Hydrogen Valley has as a partner in the HyBalance project developed materials for secondary schools on Power2Gas and the perspectives going forward in this technology. As a result the HyBalance facility has received quite a lot of requests on visits. In March pupils from a local school was offered a guided tour.


Students show great interest in the HyBalance facility 
Power2Hydrogen as part of the future energy systems is gaining interest among more and more students at universities. The HyBalance facility receives many requests for visits, and quite many students have visited the plant within the last year. In March two students  from Roskilde University was offered a guided tour at the plant. Johan Wurr Hybholt and Jens Peter Munch Vedel are currently writing their thesis on Power2Gas.


Alfa Laval visits HyBalance
On February 27, 2019, Alfa Laval, world leader within the key technology areas of heat transfer, separation and fluid handling, visited the plant, following a meeting on ammonia.


Chinese delegation visits the HyBalance site
On 4. December 2018, a Chinese delegation from the transport administration in the city of Jinan visited the HyBalance site. The delegation was interested in the possibilities of Hydrogen as a transport fuel. The visit included a presentation by Mayor Mogens Jespersen about the local commitment for green transport and a presentation by Søren Bjerregaard Pedersen from Hydrogen Valley about the perspectives in Hydrogen for green transport.


Circle K visits the Hybalance site
At the start of November 2018 Circle K visited the HyBalance site. As a fuel distributor Circle K has an interest in fuels of the future, which includes hydrogen and methanol. Visiting from left to right: Rasmus Vejle HyBalance Site Manager, Steen Hansen Senior Director Fuel at Circle K, Lars Udby Hydrogen Valley, Peter Rasmussen Senior Director Fuel and Oil Price Development at Circle K, Kund Erik Jensen Technical Secretariat at Mariagerfjord Kommune, Søren Bjerregaard Pedersen CEO Hydrogen Valley and Søren Knudsen KjÌr professor at Aalborg University.


Local school visits the Hybalance site
On 22 October, 2018, the Hybalance site was visited by students from the local public school Rosendalskolen. The visit included a guided tour by the site manager Rasmus Vejle and a presentation about the role of Hydrogen in creating a green future by director of Hydrogen Valley Søren Bjerregaard Pedersen. The visit is part of the student’s education in natural sciences, in which part of it now focuses on hydrogen. For this focus Rosendalskolen have developed new educational material in close cooperation with Hydrogen Valley and the municipality of Mariagerfjord.


Drivkraft Danmark visits the HyBalance site
October 2018 – Drivkraft Danmark visited the plant to learn about the opportunities in electrofuels. Drivkraft Denmark is an industry and employer organization for companies that provide energy for mobility, heating and process with all Denmark’s filling stations and refineries as members and the LPG industry. The industry accounts for 99% of the energy for transport and 40% of total Danish energy consumption.

Inauguraton of the HyBalance facility
Bart Biebuyck, CEO of Fuels Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking
Thea Larsen, Chairman for the EUDP Board

Inauguraton of the HyBalance facility
On 3 September the HyBalance plant was inaugurated, A milestone in this first-of-a-kind project has thus been reached. The mayor of Mariagerfjord Municipality, Mogens Jespersen, cut the ribbon. Among the guests were customers, the partners behind the HyBalance project: Air Liquide, Hydrogenics, Neas Energy A/S, LBST and Hydrogen Valley as well as FCH JU and EUDP – Det Energiteknologiske Udviklings- og Demonstrationsprogram, which have both supported the project with funding.

“Hybalance is a historical project for the FCH JU, being the forerunner of our large electrolyser demonstration projects and the first to reach the Megawatt-scale”, said Bart Biebuyck, CEO of Fuels Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking. The HyBalance project has received 8 million Euro from FCH JU.

“Today, we are celebrating a 1.2 MW large PEM electrolysis plant that can be operated according to the need to balance the grid. These situations are expected to increase when more renewable energy enter the power system. The HyBalance asset can support a high security of supply and ensure that Denmark can continue a sustainable development of the energy system”, said Thea Larsen, Chairman for the EUDP Board at the inauguration of the HyBalance facility September 3rd. The project has received 2,6 million Euro from the Danish program: EUDP – Det Energiteknologiske Udviklings- og Demonstrationsprogram.

HYbalance Inaguration

Inauguraton of the HyBalance facility
3rd September the HyBalance facility is being inaugurated by an event, attended by guests from France, Germany, Belgium and Denmark.


Engineers from Delft University visit the HyBalance site
16 future engineers within Sutainable Energy Technology have visited the HyBalance plant in Hobro. The students study at Delft University of Technology in the Nederlands and come from India, Mexico, Costa Rica and European countries.


HyBalance presented at Danish-Korean workshop
On May 25, Søren Bjerregaard Pedersen, CEO from Hydrogen Valley presented the HyBalance project at the “Future opportunities for Danish-Korean Clean Energy Collaboration” Workshop, which took place in Copenhagen.

More than 40 participants from Denmark and Korea took part in the workshop. The aim with the workshop was to match Danish and Korean experts from academia, policy institutions and industries with an interest in sharing knowledge and generating new ideas within clean energy. The focus was on wind energy, smart grid and energy storage systems, and within the latter the HyBalance project is a good example of how we can store renewable energy from wind turbines as hydrogen. The presentation of the HyBalance project arose a lot of interest among the participants and they were exited to hear an example of how the HyBalance project transforms and realises climate visions into concrete doings.


Members of business council visit the HyBalance site
The interest in the HyBalance project is growing rapidly and many people have shown interest in visiting the HyBalance site in Hobro. On Tuesday 8 May, approximately 50 members of Mariagerfjord Business Council visited the site, and were given a tour at the facility by Site Manager from Air Liquide, Rasmus Vejle.

The visit at the HyBalance site was part of an exclusive after-work event organised by Mariagerfjord Business Council which focused on renewable energy and the different activities which are taking place in the municipality of Mariagerfjord.


New signs at the HyBalance site
Getting even closer to the inauguration: New signs have been erected at the HyBalance site in order to create more visibility about the project and to welcome guests who come to visit the HyBalance site in Hobro.

Indisk ambassør besøger HyBalance site

The Ambassador of India to Denmark visited the HyBalance site
Ambassador of India to Denmark, Mr. Ajit Gupte (no 2 from left), visited the HyBalance hydrogen facility in Hobro, Denmark on January 4, 2018. India has set ambitious targets within renewable energy.


Members of the Danish parliament visited the HyBalance site
On August 4, the two members of the Danish Parliament and traffic spokesmen, Kristian Pihl Lorentzen from the Liberal Party and Rasmus Prehn from the Social Democratic party visited the HyBalance site.

The two politicians want to put more focus on transport and infrastructure in Denmark. They had therefore decided to take a road trip across Denmark in a hydrogen car to test the national network of hydrogen refuelling stations.

Their road trip also took them to Hobro and the HyBalance site. Here Kristian Pihl Lorentzen and Rasmus Prehn got a tour at the HyBalance facility together with the Mayor of Mariagerfjord municipality Mogens Jespersen.

The two politicians showed great interest in the HyBalance facility and were excited to see how this project is contributing to transform the energy systems from fossil dependency to relying on renewable and local energy sources by utilising the potential of hydrogen


Hansa Green Tour Foundation visited the HyBalance site
On Thursday June 22, a delegation from the Hansa Green Tour Foundation visited the HyBalance site. Mayor Mogens Jespersen from Mariagerfjord municipality welcomed the delegation at the construction site of the new hydrogen plant. Afterwards Hans Jørgen Brodersen, project manager from Hydrogen Valley informed the delegation about the HyBalance project.

A small video (in Danish) was made after the visit. You can see the video here. 

The Hansa Green Tour Foundation was created in 2010 to help raise awareness about already available knowledge, products and services in the Hanseatic region in northern Europe regarding sustainable products and sustainable technologies.

Lars Udby presenting HyBalance
The HyBalance stand
Experiments with a small hydrogen car
Presentation of the hydrogen car, Toyota Mirai

HyBalance project introduced at the Danish Science festival
Approximately 70 people showed up on Saturday the 29th of April when Hydrogen Valley hosted an event at the GASmuseum in Hobro, Denmark.

The event was organised within the framework of the Danish Science Festival, and the theme of the event was the hydrogen-universe in the vicinity of Hobro. A special focus of the event was the HyBalance project and the on-going construction of the hydrogen facility in the southern part of Hobro.

The event was opened by the curator of the GASmuseum, Hanne Thomsen, and was followed by an introduction from CEO of Hydrogen Valley, Lars Udby, who gave a presentation about the HyBalance project.

The event included a lot of exiting activities such as an interactive energy game and experiments with a small hydrogen car to much delight of the participating kids.

The Toyota Mirai, which is jointly held by the Municpality of Mariagerfjord, Hydrogen Valley and the two Toyota dealerships located in Hobro and Hadsund, was also presented at the event, and the participants were offered a test-drive in the hydrogen car.

The Danish Science Festival is organized by The Ministry of Higher Education and Science, and takes place every year in Denmark in week 17 with more than 600 different events in 100 cities all over Denmark.

HyBalance presented to a French delegation
On 23 March, 2017 Hans-Jørgen Brodersen and Marie-Louise Arnfast from Hydrogen Valley presented the HyBalance project to 10 delegates from a French energy concern.

The French delegation, whose visit was arranged by Invest in Denmark, had taken the trip to Denmark to learn more about how Denmark is working with green renewable energy and especially hydrogen and fuel cells.

In addition to the visit in Hobro, the delegation also visited Neas Energy, partner in the HyBalance project, and NEL Hydrogen (former H2 Logic) in Herning.

From the left: Filip Smeets (Hydrogenics), Bart Biebuyck (FCH JU), Hans Jørgen Brodersen (Hydrogen Valley Denmark) and Louis Sentis (Air Liquide)

HyBalance electrolyser successful in hydrogen production testing
On February 13, 2017 Hydrogenics, partner in the HyBalance project and developer of the new 1.2 MW PEM electrolyser, announced that the electrolyser has successfully produced hydrogen during the first stage of factory acceptance testing at Hydrogenics facilities in Oevel, Belgium.

The new, state-of-the-art 1.2 MW PEM electrolyser, will be delivered to Hobro, Denmark in the coming weeks for the HyBalance project. The production of green hydrogen is expected to start in fall 2017.

The electrolyser will produce hydrogen from wind-generated energy and also enable grid balancing services. The green hydrogen will be used in multiple high value markets such as industry and clean transportation. Thus, the HyBalance project will not only validate highly dynamic PEM electrolysis technology and innovative hydrogen delivery processes involved but also demonstrate these in a real industrial environment by applying the latest high pressure hydrogen production and delivery equipment.

In continuation of the announcement, Hydrogenics hosted an inauguration ceremony on February 13, in Oevel, in presence of Air Liquide, the project leader, and the FCH JU, which was a unique opportunity for the 50 participants to see the electrolyser before it is being shipped to Denmark.

On the picture (from the left): Filip Smeets (Hydrogenics), Bart Biebuyck (FCH JU), Hans Jørgen Brodersen (Hydrogen Valley Denmark) and Louis Sentis (Air Liquide)

See the presentations from the HyBalance inaugration ceremony here:

Hydrogenics presentation_HyBalance inauguration

FCH JU_HyBalance inauguration

Air Liquide_HyBalance inauguration

Hydrogen Valley_HyBalance inauguration


Report: “Electrolysis could be important in the future energy system”
Scientists from Aalborg University and project developers from NEAS Energy have in collaboration with Air Liquide Danmark, EMD and Hydrogen Valley completed the report “Potential of hydrogen in energy systems”. The report is a result of the first work package in the Power2Hydrogen project.

In the report, they have analysed the role of electrolysis in a current Danish energy system as well as a future Danish energy system based on renewable energy sources. The aim is to clarify the role that electrolysis could play in the future and the benefits for the Danish Energy management. The hydrogen produced from electrolysis can be used in both industry and clean transport sectors.

On the basis of the experiences and results created in the Power2Hydrogen project, the HyBalance project will show how we can store renewable energy in the form of hydrogen, and then use it in the transport sector.

Read the summary of the report here and the full report here.


Paving the way to the future
On 4 April 2016, the Danish Minister for Energy, Utilities and Climate, Lars Chr. Lilleholt cut the first sod to the hydrogen facility, which marked not only the beginning of the HyBalance project but also the beginning of a larger building project, which will take place in Hobro in the municipality of Mariagerfjord. Now the first milestone is reached.

The municipality of Mariagerfjord has build and extended the road to the hydrogen facility. The extension proceeded according to the plan, and the road opened in July 2016.

More precisely, the extension concerns Jyllandsvej in Hobro which has been extended to the ring road Langelandsvej. This has resulted in a new access to the industrial area right where the hydrogen plant will be located.

Read more about the HyBalance project and the hydrogen facility here.

2016-04-04 13.38.14

Danish minister cut first sod
April 4th, 2016 the Danish Minister for Energy, Utilities and Climate, Lars Chr. Lilleholt cut the first sod for the facility that will deliver hydrogen from 2017 as part of the HyBalance project.

The facility is to be located near Hobro in the Northern part of Denmark.

At the event, the minister said: ”Hydrogen is one of the technologies which we will focus on in the future. Therefore I am very pleased that Denmark, with this facility, is positioning itself at the front. We will be able to show that we are leading the way. It is not just talk with a lot of show, but it is something which is taking place in the real world”.

The event was also attended by the Mayor of Mariagerfjord Municipality, Mogens Jespersen, who said: “This facility will have great importance, and we have already received requests from other companies, who are interested in being located in the same area solely because of the location of the coming hydrogen factory. It will mean a great deal. This is just the beginning of something really big”.

Lars Udby, CEO of the Danish partner Hydrogen Valley thanked Air Liquide and the other partners in the project as well as FCHJU and for helping realize the project, which has been underway for almost 3 years.

See media coverage from TV2 Nord and (both in Danish)


Contract signed: Demonstrating the use of green hydrogen in energy systems
February 23th, 2016 One of Europe’s most advanced hydrogen facilities will be established in Denmark. Air Liquide, Hydrogenics, LBST, Neas Energy, Hydrogen Valley/CEMTEC and the European Joint Technology Initiative have signed a contract to build one of Europe’s largest facilities for production of green hydrogen.

See press release